Bilbao Berria





Bilbao Berria, a Basc style tapas bar right in the center of the old town. From the terrace you have views towards the Cathedral, the Architect union and the square with all its dynamic. A perfect place to rest tired feet and a good place to start the night if you are not very hungry. In the bar you pick and choose your pinchos and montaditos yourself. Choose between the goat cheese pincho with honey, tapenad and pine nuts, the membrillo pincho with nuts and roquefort or the Spanish ham with anchovy and mushrooms etc. etc. It is possible to have dinner in the basement restaurant.

Address:Plaça Nova 3 08002


Opening times:MON-SUN 9AM-12AM

Cuisine: Tapas

Type: Restaurant

Facilities: Views, terrace

How to get there:
Closest station: L

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